Sunday, October 17, 2004


Bold comedy: Muslim humour aims to break down US stereotypes

Open this link in a new page and read the full story at: BBC NEWS | Programmes | From Our Own Correspondent | Dark humour for dark times:
الخبر باللغة العربيّة: الكوميديا السوداء والأوقات العصيبة في أمريكا

"One of the unexpected consequences of the 9/11 attacks in the United States is an upsurge in humour by and about Muslims, which has begun to be enjoyed by a wider American audience.

Is there such a thing as Muslim humour?

I wondered this in the lobby of the Keenan Theatre in Columbia, South Carolina, as I waited to see a show called Allah Made Me Funny.

It was an unlikely venue for one of the stops on a tour by three Muslim stand-up comics"
I think humor is humor everywhere (whethere it is spelled in British 'humour' or American 'humor'). What I don't understand is why it has to be labeled Muslim?

فن الإضحاك والتنكيت لا يختلفان من مكان إلى مكان، ولهذا فأنا لا أفهم بالتحديد أهميّة إضافة المُلصَق ’إسلاميّ‘ إلى هذا النوع من الفكاهة...

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